Friday, May 27, 2011

Clean them brushes!

If you use any kind of makeup brush for any reason, please read this post! I wash my brushes every weekend because if I don't I notice my skin gets oily fast and I start to break out. Bacteria and yucky stuff builds up on those brushes so do it at least once a week! Here is a video tutorial on how to clean your brushes:

It's quick and easy and it will extend the life of your brushes for sure! And if you don't own any brushes, go out and get em! Your makeup goes on sooo much better with the proper tools! And there are inexpensive ones too so you don't need to spend $20-$40 on a single brush. There are kits that you can get for under $100 for everything.

Check these out for starters! --------> and these are really good for the everyday makeup application and who can beat the cost????

Here is to clean brushes and a great Memorial Day weekend! Be safe, Be good, Be blessed!!!!

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