Thursday, June 2, 2011


I can't stress enough how amazing water is for your skin and to prove it I did a little project of my own to see just how effective water was.

For one week I didn't drink  pure water. I just drank pop or milk or sports drink for 7 days. I felt more tired, my skin looked horrible and started breaking out (I didn't try any new products either so I knew it wasn't from that), I didn't have much success expelling my food if you know what I mean ;), my hair looked dry, I had bags under my eyes, etc. Now having said all of that let me say this: I didn't look like death by any means. I could still function, work, play, all that jazz but I did notice a difference in so many areas. Enough to make me want to drink even more water and less sugar now. Our bodies need water to survive and look healthy, just like it needs fresh fruits and veggies. :) Here are some links I found on the benefits of drinking water:

I really enjoyed reading these articles about water. I know this isn't a super exciting post about makeup or looking "2beautiful" but I promise you without water no amount of makeup will help out at all! Water is vital in looking good and feeling great. And don't forget water helps in weight loss! If you can't stand the taste of water mix sugar free flavor packets with it. I do this daily so I don't ever get bored with the taste.

I challenge you to try drinking nothing but water for one week, 8-10 glasses per day, and see the difference yourself. (Be sure and still eat lol I'm not saying just drink water only) If you don't see a difference it can only be because you already drink lots o water :)

Be refreshed and hydrated always!!

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