Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fake summer sun! Malibu Tanning or Tanning Bed in a tube??

So if you live anywhere close to Northern Indiana you know we are experiencing an extreme lack of sun! I personally enjoy leaving work to feel the sun on my face but I'm not sure what that would feel like anymore. :) So I have a couple alternatives.

Shout out to Malibu Tanning because their beds rock! I've never been disappointed with their beds or their service ever. I could be a little bias since I did use to work there....but still they rock! So if you are ok with tanning in a tanning bed, go there. The prices are amazing and they have a huge selection of tanning products from phase 1 and up, moisturizers, etc. Here is a link to their website so you can see where the locations are and what not.

Some of you don't like to tan in the tanning bed so I recommend Too Faced Tanning Bed in a Tube. You can get this for your face and body (separate bottles). I love these self tanners!!! You get the most amazing color and there is no gross smell. It's actually smells good! :) You can pick this up at Sephora for I believe $25. Always check Amazon too for a better deal. I can't say anything negative about these products. If you follow the directions, you will have a streak free amazing glow! Here is the link to the Too Faced website for the body tanner ------>

Here is the link for the face tanner ------->

My daughter actually used this and she has sensitive skin and it didn't break her out or anything.

I highly recommend Malibu Tanning, and Too Faced tanning products! At least until the sun comes back right????

To safe tanning and glowing skin!

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