Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alcohol and Alcohol

Ok no I'm not going to tell you how to mix drinks :) But I am going to tell you about something I found out over the weekend! Two things, here we go!

I was talking to someone about their highlights and how they kept them so vibrant and blond and they said VODKA! I couldn't believe it! How in the world does Vodka help your hair???? Now I'm sure this could be old hat to some of you but this was news to me so I had to share it. I started surfing the Internet for this "myth" and sure enough faithful Beautylish had an article about it! And apparently there is another "mixed drink" for brunettes too! Here is what the article said about it:

Vodka Spritzer
  • 2 parts seltzer
  • 1 part vodka
"Vodka has a clear blue tone to it, so it lightens hair without it going orange. You can also clean out red brassy tones with this mixture," says Michael.

Rum Fizz
  • 2 parts seltzer
  • 1 part rum
"This is how models in Brazil get caramel tones in their hair. They spray a little in their hair and go out in the sun without the hair turning brassy," says Michael.

Sunny Side Up Highlights
  • Egg yolk, beaten
"Straight egg yolk has the ability to lighten hair because of the natural acids in the yolks. This is what they do in Spain. It gets gooey and sticky though, so you only want to leave it in your hair for an hour," Michael says. "If you apply this with foil or plastic, it's a natural, at-home highlight." Do not sit out in the sun with this mixture, unless you're okay with having scrambled eggs in your hair!

How uber great is Beautylish for all of their amazing articles on everything beauty and health??? I highly recommend checking this blog out for sure. If you try the alcohol, let me know how it worked for you! I guess you just spray it on your hair before going into the sun. Putting a braid in your hair or putting it in a bun before you spray it will give the best results :)

Ok on to the next one:

Those of you that know me know that once a year at the beginning of warm weather when the sun is bright and beautiful I always forget to protect my lips and the bottom one gets burnt and it's pure torture for about 1 and 1/2 weeks. I have tried everything to speed up the burn but nothing would work. I couldn't use Abreva or other cold sore medicines because that would make it worse since it wasn't a cold sore, it was a burn. So once again I go to the world wide web and started googling burnt lips and blisters on lips and saw a lot of people put alcohol on their lips right after they were out in the sun. It worked!!!! We were at a company party this past weekend and there was an overcast so of course I didn't think to protect my lips. By that evening my husband noticed that I was getting two little dark spots on my lips so I immediately started rubbing 80% rubbing alcohol on it. I did it about 4 times a day (and yes it stung a little) but the end result was so worth it! I also used 45spf lip protectant in between the alcohol and never saw a blister or anything. So to clarify, this remedy is with rubbing alcohol not drinking alcohol. I challenge you to try this if you ever have had issues with your lips burning or getting cold sores as it works well for that too. (I did read some bad reviews on alcohol for cold sore, some said it didn't work, but it was about a 60/40 split so give it a try)

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