Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WAKE UP!!!!!! (and simple ways to do it)

1. BUFF TO GLOW. Use an exfoliating cleanser or enzyme mask to boost circulation, slough off dead cells and de-clog pores. Healthier-looking skin surfaces in seconds.
2. LIFT YOUR BROWS. Tweeze away droopy hairs that curve around eyes and exacerbate droop. Use pencil and powder to fill and extend brows outwards.

3. USE A FACE PRIMER. Prevent makeup from creasing, caking and settling in expression lines and fill the pores on your nose in one step. Your face won't look like an unmade bed.

4. GO SHEERER AND WARMER WITH FOUNDATION. Yellow toned foundation freshens grey, pasty, stressed skin. Skim a damp makeup sponge over you face to remove excess coverage and create a dewy skin-like look.

5. WAKE UP EYES WITH HIGHLIGHTER. Piling on skin tone concealer emphasizes under-eye bags and puffiness. Use a highlighter pen or soft white pencil to brighten eyes at the inner eye corners and add sparkle.

6. CORRECT CIRCLES WITH TINTS. Hide super-dark circles with tinted shades- orange/yellow concealer for blue/purple circles, mauve/rose for brown circles. Skin-tone cover-up won't do it.

7. KEEP EYE MAKEUP CLEAN AND CRISP. No smudgy or smoky- a crisp eye compensates for loose skin and pouches below. Dot a felt-tip black liner beneath the top lashes (hold lid taut and lift it to do this) to keep definition sharp.

8. GET OUT THE BRONZER. Apply a skin compatible bronzer (not too dark) in a C-shape to cheekbones and forehead, on chin and down the neck for radiance. Skip the nose.

9. APPLY CREAM BLUSH ON CHEEKBONES. Forget about apples. Blush goes high on the cheekbones away from the nose and nasal labial folds. Cream blush makes bronzer look real and adds life to your face.

10. BRIGHTEN LIPS. Swap nudes for clear pink, apricot, coral, rose or raspberry shades that bring attention to lips not lines.

And don't forget....LOTS OF SLEEP AND WATER! Nothing stresses out the skin like lack of sleep and water.

Here's to refreshed skin!

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