Sunday, July 10, 2011

M.O.M Great stuff!!!

In my adventure to find the best home remedies I came across a lot of blogs and posts about Milk of Magnesia. I have struggled daily with oily skin so my ears perked up when I heard you could use m.o.m on your face to rid oily skin (and it can be used for other things)! I ran out and bought some that night (along with other drug store products that I'm testing now..I will post after I review them myself (but you should have seen what I had in my little basket lol). I am insanely impressed with this miracle liquid. If you can get past purchasing it (which I didn't find it to be a big deal) you will fix your oily skin problems in no time. Here are a couple different ways I do it about 2 or 3 times a week:

1.In the evenings I put some m.o.m on a cotton ball and spread it on my freshly cleaned face and leave it on until the morning. I clean it off and then continue with my morning routine. (this will make your laundry basket grow as I change my pillow sheet about every other night to keep it clean)

2. I put it on about 15 minutes before my makeup routine and then rinse it off with water before I start my moisturize, primer, whatever. (this would be if I didn't do it the night before or if I don't need to put it on as long)

I don't have oily skin like I use to!!! It really is amazing! Now some claim that it's a good primer but I like e.l.f's primer for an inexpensive choice or Smashbox primer for a high end choice. Plus it makes your face sort of white so I don't know that I'd like to have that on my face all day, especially in the summer when your trying to get a bronzed look. ;)

I hear it's also great for acne. You would just dab a little bit of m.o.m on your blemish and leave it on overnight and in the morning rinse off.

This can be drying so be careful on how much you use it. You will figure out a good schedule for what your skin needs. Just start with once a week and if that doesn't help, try twice a week and so on.

**Also very important*** Make sure to test this and anything else I blog about to make sure it's safe for your skin. Just because something works for me, doesn't mean that it will work for you! Swab a little bit on the back of your wrist or a small amount on the side of your face to see if you have a reaction to it before you apply it all over your face.

I hope you find this to be as great as I have! if you tried it, let me know what you thought.

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