Wednesday, July 20, 2011


While I was at the drug store the other day I picked up quite the collection of items. One of those items were hemorrhoid gel. :) Now I'm not going to tell you how to rid hemorrhoids because that is just gross (for a beauty blog anyway), I'm going to tell you how you can help reduce those suitcases under your eyes! I've heard about hemorrhroid cream under your eyes for years but never tried it. (so for you skeptics....I know this is no big shock to some of you but because I've now tried it, I'm going to review it). I bought the cooling gel instead of the cream because it just sounded better to try that. I've used it for about a week and it really does work! I just put a small amount on my finger and then dab it under my eyes, being very careful not to get it in my eyes, and just work it into my skin and out to the outer corner of my eye. I have had no reaction to the product and it has made a difference in my "aging marks". :) I like the coolinig gel because it's lighter and doesn't leave a creamy residue on your face. Once it dries it's very light on your skin.

Now this isn't a miracle remedy by any means. It doesn't completly rid my undereye puffiness since this is only a temporary fix, but it does tighten and help some. You can get this cooling gel at CVS, Walmart or any store that sells creams and ointments. I believe the cost is somewhere around $6? That would depend on where you go I'm sure. Make sure with anything you try out on your face that you first test it somewhere that if a reaction would occur it wouldn't send others into a frenzy if they saw you. :) or send you to the hosptial. Usually the back of your wrist is a good sensitive spot.

To tight skin and no hemmorrhoids! :) :) :)


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