Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Acne Prone Skin

Ok 2beautiful girls, this is for my prom people or anyone that has a problem with Acne. First I want to say that I am bursting with great secrets but I will introduce them slowly so that you can try each and every one of them and let me know what you think. So here we go with the first one......When I was about 19 or 20 my face exploded with acne! I had the worst problem with it and it seemed like nothing helped. I would pick at it and it would only get worse. I tried every cleanser, prescription and over the counter, I seen a dermatologist, and I even tanned (which if I'm being honest helped some) but nothing completely eliminated my embarrassing problem. So for all of you young woman I FEEL YOU ON THIS! I think that's why I'm so passionate about this secret; so are you ready to hear what it is??????? It's food!!!! No you don't eat it, you put it on your face. I will give you the first 2beautiful secret but stay locked in to my secrets because there will be more. I want all you girls to be prom prepped and ready for a wonderful, 2 beautiful night on your most important teenage event! SO get honey and cinnamon THAT'S IT!!! Take one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon, mix it up really good and put it in the fridge overnight. When you wake up in the morning, put it on your acne prone skin for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. It will eliminate pimples super fast! Now listen for a sec, everybody wants a miracle diet, 1 second beauty, and disappearing acne but that doesn't happen, at least not right away so if you're expecting the zit to be gone when you wash the honey and cinnamon off, you will be greatly disappointed. BUT! It will erase the pimple faster than any product I can assure you of that!!! Try it and let me know what you think and stay tuned for more 2beautiful secrets for great skin!!!

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