Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm in love..............

I just wanted to post this quick since it just came out and I'm already head over heels in love with it even before I try it! I love other Too Faced Palettes so I can't imagine that this would be any different. So without waiting any longer here it is.............. The 2012 Spring Collection from Too Faced... Oh My Goodness!!! I can't wait to get this set and you can bet your tushy I'm gonna!

All in One Face Palette

Can't wait to get my hands on this one first

Each item ranges in price from $24-$39 and I believe you can get the whole set (what you see here) for a discounted price on their website which you can go to it from here.

Here is the video link for YouTube (hopefully it works, I'm working fast here) http://youtu.be/umEQJxqwDvw

I love that it's a no makeup makeup look and will be perfect for those down days where you just don't want to look like your wearing anything and perfect, so perfect, for summertime don't ya think?? Oh! And! it's everything you need for your entire face in 4 products so it's perfect for traveleling light or on the go. *well you may want mascara and eyeliner....sorry I'm just excited about this*

You can read about the products on Too Faced's website to learn more about them and see better pictures. :)

I'm so insanely excited about this! If anyone that is buying me something for Christmas sees this and you don't know what to get me....get anything you see here :) (yea that's how I roll lol)

If you get this palette, let me know what you think! I can't wait to share about it and I'll be sure and do it when I try it all out.

Be blessed beauties, God bless you this Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

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